Halfway There

I’m writing this sitting in our hotel room in Revelstoke. We’ve made it to the half way mark of our drive to the coast, to our new home.

It’s been an absolute whirlwind of a week, and it’s hard to believe that we’re actually here now, on the road. This afternoon is the first time we’ve been able to relax and sit idle. We’ve talked about the move for months now, we’ve been planning every aspect, and working hard, and now the day is finally here.

The last few weeks have been non-stop hard work. Every waking moment has been consumed by packing and re-packing boxes, welcoming various people to pick up furniture, and dropping off other items for donation and with friends and family. Matt even sold his beloved Audi.

We’ve downsized our household considerably. Somehow we had a whole extra set of furniture that we’ve re-homed, and then there were other things like bikes, lawn furniture and copious extra dishes that we simply don’t need. This whole experience has been an eye-opener for us, we’re realizing that we really don’t need a lot of the stuff that we’ve acquired over the years. Going forward, we will be careful about any new items that come into our home.

Cleaning out the pantry and fridge is another experience that comes with moving across provinces. Fridge and freezer items really can’t come (the truck takes a week to get there, in which time things will go bad). We’ve given lots of food away to friends and family – the best of which was a gigantic bag of frozen brussels sprouts. We hope it will make the new owners very happy.

It really does have to be said that we have the most supportive family and friends. Some have agreed to store things for us, to babysit plants, and have even given us a place to sleep. You know who you are, thanks from the bottom of our hearts for being helpful.

This past week, we’ve also been blessed to spend time with each of those closest to us. We got to meet a new canine family member, ate at our favorite restaurant with a favorite sibling, and enjoyed a fun filled pizza dinner on our last night in town. My heart is heavy with all of the goodbyes we’ve said this week, but it will make the get-togethers in the future that much more special.

Tomorrow, we’ll complete the second leg of the journey, collect our boat keys, and spend our first night aboard! Lots to look forward to on this adventure.

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