
Better late than never, I guess? I have the best intentions to keep the blog updated, but as always, time just flies.

May was a wonderful month for us. The highlight by far was the Nordhavn Owners Rendezvous 2022 held in Victoria, BC. We also spent our first two nights at anchor, which made us feel comfortable and ready for summer cruising.

Nordhavns at the Victoria International Marina

The Nordhavn Rendezvous is an annual event, and in order to get a ticket, one has to own a Nordhavn. It’s exclusive, but everyone is so down to earth, it’s a really great event.

This year, it was held at the Victoria International Marina. There were 46 Nordhavns at the marina, and a total of 68 boats represented. It was really cool to see a marina full of nothing but Nordhavns.

There were two days of talks and seminars, and we learned about boat maintenance, first aid at sea, and new boat products and systems. Each night there was a social event. Pizza, drinks, cocktails, a pub night, and a nice formal dinner to wrap up the event. We also had time to walk along the beautiful Victoria waterfront.

We met so many lovely people while we were walking the docks. Huge thank you to the Nordy community for being so welcoming and inclusive. We were welcomed aboard many boats – 40, 41, 43, 47, 52, 56 and 60 footers. It’s so nice to see how everyone styles and outfits their boat. Talking to other owners was also a great resource for how-to tips, and trip planning. I know if we cross paths in future, we will have many great conversations, and shared food and drinks to look forward to.

Over the May long weekend, we took the opportunity to head out of town for the night. We stayed relatively close to home, heading to Bedwell Bay, just up the coast. We found a great spot and threw in the anchor. It took us two tries before the anchor set properly, but we’d rather take the time to do it right, than to find ourselves dragging anchor in the middle of the night!

The weekend in the bay was very relaxing. We pumped up our inflatable kayaks and paddled around the bay, brought out the deck chairs, and sat in the sun reading and enjoying good food and drinks.

The first night, we set the anchor alarm, and took turns getting up every two hours to check that the anchor was still holding. We were very pleased to find that the anchor held us firmly, although it takes some getting used to the swing and rotation as the wind and current changes.

Having the first night at anchor under our belt, we’re looking forward to doing more overnight cruises this summer. Salt Spring Island will likely be our next stop, as we’ve visited from land and are somewhat familiar with the layout.

As always, looking forward to our next venture out to sea already!

Princess meeting the local residents in Bedwell Bay.

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